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Mag 5.3 / 101 km W of Brandvlei, South Africa / Sun, 22 Dec 2024 00:51 GMT
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When did YOU feel it?
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1) Your location
Where were you during the quake?
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2) Did you feel the quake?
3) How did you feel the quake?
Estimate duration
not sure
very short
1-2 seconds
2-5 seconds
5-10 seconds
10-15 seconds
15-20 seconds
20-30 seconds
30-60 seconds
1-2 minutes
several minutes
Describe shaking
not sure
single vertical bump
single lateral shake
rattling, vibrating
vertical swinging (up and down)
horizontal (sideways) swinging
both vertical and horizontal swinging
simple rolling (tilting sideways along one direction)
complex rolling (tilting in multiple directions)
vibration and rolling
complex motion difficult to describe
Describe intensity:
Not felt
Very weak shaking
Felt by people who aren't moving or on upper floors.
Weak shaking
Felt indoors; hanging objects may swing, vibration similar to passing of light trucks, duration may be estimated, may not be recognized as an earthquake.
Light shaking
Felt mostly indoors. Wakes light sleepers, may vibrate like heavy traffic or cause a jolt. Possible rattling or creaking.
Moderate shaking
Felt indoors and outdoors. Objects and pictures displaced. Windows might crack.
Strong shaking
Felt by all, animals alarmed. Walking unsteady. Objects fall and may break. Plaster can crack. Trees shake.
Very strong shaking
Generally alarming. Drivers will feel it. Furniture moves. Walls, and even plumbing may crack. Soil will shake, ground may crack.
Severe shaking
Alarm or panic. Difficulty driving. Substandard buildings damaged. Ground may crack.
Violent shaking
Will cause panic. Substandard buildings destroyed. Other buildings and bridges damaged. Landslides possible in some areas. Ground cracks.
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